Chinese Herbal Medicine

What is Chinese Herbal Medicine?

Chinese herbal medicine treats the underlying causes of illness rather than individual symptoms. While most over-the-counter herbal products only address specific symptoms with a standardized dosage and protocol, we prescribe custom-made formulas of multiple herbs at varying dosages, which brings the specific needs of the patient to the forefront.

Chinese herbs are used differently than Western herbs in many ways. Chinese herbs are used with the foundations of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). TCM practitioners look at symptoms and disharmonies in the body through the lens of yin/yang and different diagnoses of symptoms existing on multiple spectrums. We’re then able to prescribe the appropriate herbs and quantities to balance those patterns.

Another unique aspect of our use of Chinese herbs  is that the aroma, flavor, and nature of the herb are all considered. Over thousands of years specific methods of processing and cooking called Pao Zhi have been developed to augment the herbs to make use of these properties.


How are Chinese Herbs taken? 

Chinese herbs are prescribed in many ways, we typically prescribe them as raw herbs or granulated formulas.

Raw herbs are selected individually, blended and given to patients to cook into a decoction. They are considered the more potent option as they allow more of the herbs an opportunity to interact with the system. We recommend raw over granule when possible.

 Granulated formulas are herbs which have been cooked and dehydrated into a powder. They are then mixed with water and taken as a tea. The granules are convenient for patients who don’t have time to cook or are often away from home. We are also able to create custom granule formulas, so you can receive the same level of care in whichever formula you choose!

Are Chinese Herbs Right For You?

Chinese Herbs can help everyone maintain optimal health. They are especially good for hard to diagnose conditions like:

  • Allergies
  • Autoimume disorders
  • Chemo side effects
  • Diarrhea and constipation
  • Digestion issues
  • Infertility
  • IBS
  • Immune system regulation
  • Menopause
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • And more
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Address and Hours

418 E 31st St, Suite 1
Baltimore MD, 21218

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Appointments:

Monday and Tuesday: 2pm to 7pm (With Robert Prokop)

Wednesday: 9 am to 11:30 am (With Robert Prokop)

Thursday: 1pm to 5pm (With Rhea Nodel)

Sunday: 10am to 2pm (With Robert Prokop); and
2:30pm to 5pm (With Rhea Nodel)

Shiatsu Appointments:

Thursday: 1pm to 5pm (With Rhea Nodel)

Sunday: 2:30pm to 5pm (With Rhea Nodel)

-Please call for more availability-

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(724) 494-5051