Give Cosmetic Acupuncture a Try There are countless ways to improve the way we look in the market these days. Through expensive creams and surgical procedures, people spend upwards of thousands of dollars every year on looking better. However, many of those things can...
The Body-Mind Connection When people think about Chinese Medicine, they may think about needles being used to fix knee pain, headaches, or regulate digestion. However, acupuncture has a much broader spectrum of symptoms and issues that it covers, and what many people...
Acupuncture is an amazing medicine. A lot of conditions that Western Medicine is baffled by can usually be approached differently by Chinese Medicine. We speak a different language about the body, and can see different patterns. In cases of chronic pain, acupuncture...
The Water Element Each element in Chinese Medicine has gifts, movements, strengths, weaknesses, and is of the utmost importance for a balanced life. Without one element the whole system falls apart. For a general overview of what the elements are check out this...
Migraine Headaches Did you know that migraines are the third most prevalent illness in the world? Or that 12% of the population in America (including children) suffers from them? Migraines are elusive and are minimally understood. One fact that’s well known is...