Keep Your Digestive Fire Burning!

Keep Your Digestive Fire Burning!

Is Your Body Too Cold? Being that it is mid-July in Maryland it’s hard to think about anyone or anything being cold. But in Chinese Medicine, we have a different idea about how temperature can manifest in the body. When an acupuncturist talks about a “cold” condition,...
What can acupuncture teach you about nutrition?

What can acupuncture teach you about nutrition?

What can acupuncture teach you about nutrition? Nutrition and Society As an acupuncturist, I look at the whole person. Since we are what we eat, the whole person also includes diet. I often help patients tweak their diet in order to make shifts and improve symptoms. I...
Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Food has become distorted in many modern cultures. Humans have gone from a natural state of finding nourishment and understanding its relationship with the body to not even knowing where food comes from. This distortion is so pervasive that a...
Acupuncture for Migraines

Acupuncture for Migraines

Migraine Headaches Did you know that migraines are the third most prevalent illness in the world? Or that 12% of the population in America (including children) suffers from them? Migraines are elusive and are minimally understood. One fact that’s well known is...