The Frequency of Spring

I have talked before in my water post about each element having a certain frequency. That frequency matches all of the emotions, movements of qi and cycles associated with that element in the body, as well as similar frequencies in nature. When acupuncturists diagnose an element, we are using observable phenomena to assess the color of a person’s complexion, the sound of their voice, their odor, and their emotions. All of these phenomena are a frequency of qi in the patient’s body and leads us to the frequency of the elements in a patient. In this post I will be discussing the wood element and how it shows up in people.

Wood in Nature

Since these elemental frequencies were observed through the senses of farmers and people who lived directly in nature, the seasons are based on the agricultural calendar. These ancient people saw the subtle movements of nature and built their lives around this cycle. When we see the wood element in nature we associate it with Spring. It isn’t, however, akin to our Western version of spring. Wood is all about rising qi. From this lens, spring starts when qi begins to rise in nature. Here, we can see that beginning in February when the sap begins to slowly rise in trees. The Chinese New Year is on the first day of Spring as well. This is the season where rising qi is seen all over. Flowers that were dormant all winter burst forth and grow very quickly, and life begins to rise up to its eventual peak in summer.

Humans as nature

The frequency of wood in humans is about benevolence, action, decisiveness, anger (not as in rage, but as a certain type of drive or forward momentum) and creativity. It holds for us the ability to manifest actions and plans. It provides us with the gift of possibility and flexibility with any situation and the pure beauty and power of creation. Through the wood element, we have the ability to see everything in our periphery. It is the new life springing forth from the soil and growing towards the sun, only in people!

When Wood is out of Balance

All elements can exist in a state of excess or deficiency, so what does this energy look like when it needs tending to?

Wood in excess: People may show as arrogant, judgmental, overly assertive, driven/unbending, confrontational, and antagonistic. Wood is about being flexible and making decisions with grace. In balance, it can serve as a grey area filled with possibility. Out of balance, it can look very black & white about different things. Excessive wood can be quick to anger, and the person may be seen as dominating and unwilling to change.

Wood as deficient: The rising motion of wood certainly comes in handy when it is balanced, but when there isn’t enough momentum or energy to rise to the occasion, wood can show up as being timid, indecisive, ineffectual, unfocused, fickle, or uncommitted. All very different from our excessive wood friends. Deficient wood folks can be quiet and easily overshadowed because of their lack of anger or indecisiveness.

Again these articles are only meant to be a glimpse into the world of these elements. Their relationship with one another and the nature of the individual are all different, and not everyone of a similar element falls into the same box. Watch out for my next article which will cover the fire element!