Acupressure sees the best results the longer you massage point. You want to massage in a circular motion and press deeply enough to feel a sensation from the pressure. Any or all of these can be combined to facilitate different things. One of my favorite combinations...
Complimentary Medicine There are many types of medicine that compliment and enhance one another. Acupuncture is one of the most popular options of “complimentary medicine” as it is extremely versatile in working with the mind and body. However, many are...
A Great Solution for Better Sleep Insomnia is an issue that plagues much of the population. Its symptoms include trouble falling asleep, trouble staying asleep, or waking up too early. Statistics from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine indicate that 30 to 35% of...
Feeling hot? Try these foods to cool you down! Heat in the body Now that it’s summer, I have a lot of patients who fall victim to what acupuncturists call heat conditions. Acupuncturists are always looking at how the environment impacts the body, and heat is a very...
Herbs A to Z Here is a short list of common herbs and some their medicinal uses from a Western herbal medicine school of thought. Remember to always know where your herbs are sourced and how they are handled. Especially when it comes to supplements and essential oils!...