The Earth Element

The Earth Element

The Frequency of the Planet As summer begins to wind down and everything becomes hot and heavy, the earth element begins to show. In the five element cycle, it represents late summer when the flowers of the trees are now ripe fruits, and there is an abundance. It also...
The Fire Element

The Fire Element

The Frequency of Summer Right now in the US (while I am writing this!) it is Summer, the season of the Fire element. For many, summer can be long and way too hot. Other people want it to last forever. Either way, though, summer is a time for joy and activity. From a...
The Wood Element

The Wood Element

The Frequency of Spring I have talked before in my water post about each element having a certain frequency. That frequency matches all of the emotions, movements of qi and cycles associated with that element in the body, as well as similar frequencies in nature. When...
The Water Element

The Water Element

The Water Element Each element in Chinese Medicine has gifts, movements, strengths, weaknesses, and is of the utmost importance for a balanced life. Without one element the whole system falls apart. For a general overview of what the elements are check out this...
The Five Elements

The Five Elements

What are Elements? The idea of elements or body types can be seen in many different healing modalities across time. Aryuvedic medicine and its Dosha’s are one example, and the Chinese Five Elements are another. These ideas of body types came from thousands of years of...